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Friday, August 2, 2013

Moto X Phone Specs, Customization Options and Camera

The ever mysterious Moto X is finally unveiled. The phone offers an array of customization options. Moto X comes with 18 color option, black and white front colors and 7 metallic accents. However, in the initial phase, AT&T is the only carrier to offer the customization options.
The phone looks ultra sleek; it’s a trend that many device manufacturers are following nowadays and Google also seems to go after it. The phone’s screen is 4.7 inch in length and it sports a AMOLED display of 720 x 1280 pixels with pixel density being 316ppi. It’s not something that brings about the ‘Wow’ feeling. More so because iPhone 5′s ‘Retina Display’ consists of 326ppi and HTC One’s pixel density is 468ppi.
Internal specifications of Moto X are not something that draw attention. The CPU is not SoC model and being Qualcomm Snapdragon S4, it’s archaic too as most Smart handsets, which are being released recently, run on Snapdragon 800 chipset. However, majority of users don’t buy a Smartphone considering only its specs. They look for other things.

In Moto X, the list of other things starts with the camera. The phone has a 10MP camera. Unless we compare the Phone with Galaxy S4 Zoom or Nokia Lumia 1020 (whose USP is their camera), the camera in Moto X stands out. The technology behind the camera is called ‘Clear Pixel’. Normally, RGB pixels technology is used in phones. In Moto X however, RGBC technology is used. The ‘C’ refers to ‘clear’. The technology allows the sensor to congregate more light and as a result, the picture quality is better and brighter.
The quick capture app goes perfectly in sync with the state-of-the-art camera technology. Users don’t need to manually activate the camera, hold it for few seconds (or for few minutes) and then capture the image. They just need to swirl the phone twice to activate the camera and then touch the screen. This way, they can take more than one picture in almost no time.
Customization options and camera technology apart, the phone deserves a mention because of its touch-less control. Through voice commands, users can carry out tasks such as converting one currency to the other, setting up the alarm to wake up in early morning and many more.
In spite of all these impressive features, Moto X has one disadvantage; it’s expensive. This might fail Moto X as most manufacturers are trying to offer users cost-effective Smart devices. Though it’s difficult, they are managing it. But Motorola falls short in this area. Truth is, it wasn’t possible for Google to keep the cost of the phone down because the phone was assembled in US. Google had to pay a lot of money for labor charge.
But even though expensive, if the phone fascinates users, they may still buy it. 

Disclosure: Image is taken from Google Images

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